I am having trouble with inserting pictures (again) so will wish you a
Happy New Year. Have a fruitful 2011!
In this blog I wish to share postcards from my collection with others, as there are many different catagories of postcards. I also will share what I am currently selling on Ebay. I like selling, buying and trading postcards. The Plus in the title is for the handcraft items I make and collect. Also for all the ephemera I collect.

Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Beautiful Vintage Cabinet Card Young Child Bangor PA
I love these small cabinet cards which are usually under 7 inches in size. They were very popular in the mid and late 1800.s. They really show the fashion style of that period. This cabinet card was photographed by Heisler of Bangor PA
On auction at http://cgi.ebay.com/220715941834
On auction at http://cgi.ebay.com/220715941834
Sunday, December 26, 2010
How I remember the traffic would come to a stop in Yellowstone just for a bear.
Well this postcard shows a lady approaching that deer. Does she not know that they can charge and hurt you. This postcard reminds me of the days when we traveled years ago in Glacier and Yellowstone where people would be in the middle of the road taking pictures or feeding the animals. At least the chevy is parked off the road. The traffic tie ups were crazy all over the wild animals. But then we did want to see the deer, bear, moose, elk and buffalo! This postcard is of GLACIER in Montana.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Old style telephones in this cute postcard of Kewpies
Have you called someone today to wish them a Merry Christmas? But I bet you might be using your Blackberry or some other cell phone.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
RPPC Charming photo postcard children family grouping
This is a standard size postcard that photographers use to take years ago for families and then print them into postcards also known as RPPCs.. Sometimes family members would write the name of the people in the picture, sometimes the photographer would if the person in the portrait was well known or famous. Sometimes mailed cards will help identify the people or from what part of the country them came from.
On this lovely postcard there is no identification but did come from a collection of post cards from the midwest especially Kansas or Missouri'
On this lovely postcard there is no identification but did come from a collection of post cards from the midwest especially Kansas or Missouri'
Friday, December 17, 2010
Girl with Mom and Dad and her Doll taking a swim RPPC
This just struck me funny. I don't think this little girl was going swimming unless she could take her doll.
This postcard is available on ebay. Just click on swimming doll postcard
Kewpie Postcards Original and Reproduction Postcards Postcard Friendship Friday
Rosie O'Neill (1874-1944) was born in Pennsylvania and created and is most famous for her "Kewpie" cards. Her first works were published by the Gibson Art Company in 1915 but are scarce to find as the American Passion for actually collecting picture postcards was being replaced by the folded greeting card with an envelope to hide hidden messages.
Many of O'neill's "Kewpie" drawings are in private collections and in 1976 were published by the Drays of Savannah Missouri. and The Ashers of Aurora, Missouri. These postcards were reproduced from Rosie O'Neills drawings. I just acquired about 80 of these reproduction postcards and they are charming. I only have 2 of her original postcards. While researching her early postcards most are dressed and do not have wings. The postcards from the 1970's are taken from private collections of O'Neills draws of "Kewpies"and have wings. The above Christmas postcard is from an original painting owned by School of the Ozarks Point Lookout MO, and published by the Drays in 1976. Even though newer reproductions these postcards are still 34 years old.
The 2 original postcards do not have the publishers name, are not signed one just has the series number on it.
Many of O'neill's "Kewpie" drawings are in private collections and in 1976 were published by the Drays of Savannah Missouri. and The Ashers of Aurora, Missouri. These postcards were reproduced from Rosie O'Neills drawings. I just acquired about 80 of these reproduction postcards and they are charming. I only have 2 of her original postcards. While researching her early postcards most are dressed and do not have wings. The postcards from the 1970's are taken from private collections of O'Neills draws of "Kewpies"and have wings. The above Christmas postcard is from an original painting owned by School of the Ozarks Point Lookout MO, and published by the Drays in 1976. Even though newer reproductions these postcards are still 34 years old.
The 2 original postcards do not have the publishers name, are not signed one just has the series number on it.
This is an origina "Kewpie"l Happy Birthday Rosie O'Neill postcard postmarked 1920.
Thanks to Beth for sponsoring Postcard Friendship Friday. Go to her blog to see more.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Christmas Wreaths and vintage Santa Claus Hankie
We enjoy our Christmas Wreaths on the wall as Casper the cat will knock over a tree. He will occasionally look at the dangling ornaments but usually leaves these wreaths alone. A number of the ornaments made have been part of exchanges from my online groups.
Cute Vintage Hankie that even a girl might carry in her pocket. Not too many days til Christmas.
Cute Vintage Hankie that even a girl might carry in her pocket. Not too many days til Christmas.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Christmas Carol Postcard, The Friendly Beast, Orientis Partibus
Christmas is a time to Sing! This postcard that was printed in 1978.
Jesus our Brother, kind and good, was humbly born in a stable rude, The friendly beasts around Him Stand
Jesus our brother Kind and Good!
Merry Christmas
This comes from a series of 8 postcards with 8 different Christmas Carols, copyrighted by Paul and Joyce Stofft
Monday, December 6, 2010
Postcards Make Great Graphics, illustrations and projects
Have you ever noticed how pictures of postcards are everywhere? I received my copy of Create & Decorate and found a postcard on the cover. And there are postcards in the Editors Letter. I am now browsing through the Table of Contents.....hmm under Rug Hook and Punch Needle....yes there is a project called Vintage Valentine Postcard. Now its time to take off my shoes stretch out and read my Feb 2011 Issue. I bet I find more postcard graphics. Have you seen a postcard today?
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Deer Christmas Card - Looks just like what visited our House Dec 4
Take away the snow and you have a view of what happened outside my window
yesterday. I was watching TV on my bed when a buck like the one pictured above (Christmas card) walked by
my window with a fabulous pair of antlers. I jumped up and quietly went to the window and saw the Mother and 2 younger deer. Dad was very weary and keeping an eye out for the three. It was quite a site and
maybe they will return soon. We see the female deer and babies a lot but rarely the Bucks.
Well we do have some pine trees but not quite as fancy forest as pictured. Still I love country living.
I attached a backing and now this Christmas Card is recycled into a new card.
Easy Hand Sculpture Fabric Designs for Wall Hangings
I love looking through my stash and finding fabric with people, animals, or designs that would look good with a 3 D effect. Here is a gal ready to go shopping. (Lorelie designs) I got on my sewing machine and placed the front piece on the backing face to face and stitched it up leaving an opening. Turn inside out. I then stuffed it with fiberfill and made it lumpy, stitched the opening closed. Then comes the Fun Part. I stitched around the borders like quilting and the gals face puffed out, her hair shoes etc. Then I have a nice fun wallhanging after an easy project.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Wishing you a Merry Christmas Santa Postcard
I hope very one is enjoying the Christmas Holiday.
Busy this time of year but I hope to post now and then.
This is my favorite time of year with all the Holiday activities. The wreaths are up (no tree, Casper would attack it) and the outside lights will be on soon.
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Lindsay Sews: Twitter contest: Michael Miller 'Tweet Tweet' Give...
Lindsay Sews: Twitter contest: Michael Miller 'Tweet Tweet' Give...: "It's Wednesday night, and LindsaySews is almost at 300 Twitter followers. Tweet Tweet! Thanks to all you lovely crafters, I've been inspir..."
Friday, November 26, 2010
D & R G Railway in April Chama New Mexico RPPC Postcard Friendship Friday
.This postcard shows the Denver and Rio Grand Train in Chama New Mexico.
This is a wonderful Real Photo Postcard showing one of the trains that went through the Rockies....also shortened to D. & R.G."Thru the rockies not around them" was their slogan.
Highest mainline train in the US including the Rockies. Chama is near the border of Colorado in New Mexico. Went through a snow storm as the postcard indicates
Go to Beths Blog to see more entries in PFF. She is sharing a lovely Thanksgiving postcard.
This is a wonderful Real Photo Postcard showing one of the trains that went through the Rockies....also shortened to D. & R.G."Thru the rockies not around them" was their slogan.
Highest mainline train in the US including the Rockies. Chama is near the border of Colorado in New Mexico. Went through a snow storm as the postcard indicates
Go to Beths Blog to see more entries in PFF. She is sharing a lovely Thanksgiving postcard.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Collectible Book for Printers - Merry Christmas Theme
Page one from this tiny book.......Merry Christmas! Did I begin this little book with that wish just for its own sake, or because M is the most pleasing of letters to begin a book with? I guess both reasons dictated the choice. I wish for all printers, and everyone else, a merry Christmas: a happy celebration of a good year, to all who had one; and of faith and hope that next year will be a good to those.....
Buy this book for a friend on ebay at
Friday, November 19, 2010
Make your own Christmas Postcards Happy Postcard Friday
With the Holiday Season now is the time to make some
Christmas Postcards.The PC is 4 inches by 6 inches
I made this collage last year, cutting up winter theme pictures with other embellishments.
I have been missing the last few PFFs and this one is rather short but I have had trouble with uploading pictures here and have been busy RVing and Shopping.
Visit Beth who hosts PFF
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Patterns by Bareroot.
I love embroidery Patterns by Bareroots.....I own one but some are available on Amazon. Since my photos wont upload here I am resorting to an amazon link I would share the one I own but my photo links is not working here today. It is a pattern for a candle mat

My pictures wont link up here

What a challenge, cant get any pictures to work for this challenge. Its been some day too. It took a little longer to replace a weather stripping that was not installed properly. But great now and we love our new Ford Diesel for pulling the trailer. Of course when things are worked on computers get shut down, settings are off. We have this gadget which tells what the temp is outside. When we left the dealer it said -39 and stayed that way for awhile. But eventually reset itself. Now I have to dash to the PO to mail 3 ebay auctions. Rain and maybe snow is on the way. I had fun shopping while truck was worked on, (curtesy car took us right to the mall) Bought items at Best Buy, Pier 1 and Barnes and Noble
Postmarks Postal History Covers
Monday, November 15, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Durham Home Of L&M and Chesterfield Cigarettes Politically Incorrect Postcard
Durham Home of L&M and Chesterfield Cigarettes (North Carolina)
(typed in message part of this postcard is)
You are invited to take an hostess-conducted tour through this modern cigarette factory conveniently located on Main Street, Durham, North Carolina. Visiting hours 8 - 11:15 AM and 1 - 3:30 PM Monday through Friday.
L&M stands for Liggett and Myers Inc. pioneers of generic cigarettes including Chesterfield, decade, dorado, lark, Duke of Durham, Eve, Lark and more.
The building has possibly been part of a redevelopment program and used for offices.
The building has possibly been part of a redevelopment program and used for offices.
This postcard is from the 1950's or early 1960's.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Fall Colors in Bishop California
We are home from our RV trip but planning the next. Even though it was November the fall colors were still in evidence on the east side of the Sierra Nevada Mountain. We found antique stores for some great shopping. More pictures later.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Shopping for Postcards
In the middle of nowhere and finding postcards.
RVing and shopping, antiquing and thank goodness for wifi!!
RVing and shopping, antiquing and thank goodness for wifi!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Reproduction Photo Postcard, Business Women in Wahmonie Nevada 1928
"First Women" These ladies were not only the first women in Wahmonie, Nevada, they were business women as well and started the first gas station there. It was a rich strike in 1928, but it played out quickly. An N.E. Johnson Photo reproduced by Lawrence Publishing in Bandon Oregon
I found this postcard while RVing. Good quality for a reproduction.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Indian City Anadarko, Oklahoma PFF
INDIAN CITY, U.S.A. near Anadarko, Oklahoma, Indian dances are performed for the tourist at the
Wichita Indian village in Indian City USA. Here a group of Indian dancers fron Oklahoma and New Mexico perform for the crowd.
I do not know the age of this postcard but found this information about Indian City on Wikipedia. Actually its information about Anadarko,Okla. which is close by.
The town is the home of the Native Ameridan group Cozad Singers. "Self Titled" Indian Capiutal of the Nation'
Tribes Lenape and Bartlesville live here
Home of the National Hall of Fame for famous American Indians.
Thanks to Beth over at http://thebestheartsarecrunchy.blogspot.com/ for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
A Zombie ate my Cupcake
I think this is a book I should buy. When I travel with my niece we tell zombie stories. What better treat is to have some cupcakes. Not long til Halloween.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Windmill Office of Northwestern State Bank, Orange City, Iowa
Northwestern State Bank
Windmill Office
Highway 10 East, Orange City Iowa
Constructed in 1973
"Tulip Time third week in May annually"
"Pay us a Visit!
This would be a fun bank to visit. I can't picture a drive up window or an ATM machine.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Cunard Queen Mary Ship Letter Card - Postcard Friendship Friday
The "Queen Mary" sailed the North Atlantic Ocean from 1936 until it retired in 1967. It was a troop ship during WW2. It is now berthed in Long Beach as a museum ship and hotel. Since this folded note card was printed in England I would assume that this letter/card is pre 1967.
To learn more about the Queen Mary their website is http://www.queenmary.com/
And to see more contributions to Postcard Friendship Friday go to http://thebestheartsarecrunchy.blogspot.com/
I have not seen the DVD linked to Amazon.com but it shows ghostly contacts made on the Queen Mary. Also on the Queen Mary site they have a Halloween graphic. I bet there is a great celebration of Halloween on board. Maybe a few ghostly visitors will come.
To learn more about the Queen Mary their website is http://www.queenmary.com/
And to see more contributions to Postcard Friendship Friday go to http://thebestheartsarecrunchy.blogspot.com/
I have not seen the DVD linked to Amazon.com but it shows ghostly contacts made on the Queen Mary. Also on the Queen Mary site they have a Halloween graphic. I bet there is a great celebration of Halloween on board. Maybe a few ghostly visitors will come.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Halloween is coming! Dancing Cat with Jack o Lanterns Postcard
It is in the mid 80's here in Central California and feels almost like summer. But I know its October as the evenings cool off, get darker earlier with a brisk breeze. Acorns are everywhere along with the falling leaves from the Oak Trees. Yes Halloween is on its way.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Bluebirds Camp Fire Girls, Camp Yallani San Bernardino Mountains California
Had fun looking through an old album of mine with photos and souvenirs from my Camp Fire Days in the 1950's. In this picture I am a member of the Sunshine Blue Birds of Los Angeles. Look for me in the back row (3 of us at left side) I am in the middle.
The highlight of my Bluebirds and Canp Fire Girls Days was attending Camp Yallani in the San Bernardino Mountains above Redlands California. We slept outside on cots and I always worried about the bears. I remember my Mother driving me to a spot in downtown Los Angeles where I boarded a bus taking me to camp.
Reading through the brochure about Camp Yallani was a lot fun. I think it is a private camp now..Bluebirds no long exist and it is now Camp Fire and is coed. I can still hear the melody from the song Camp Yallani......
Finding this old envelope made me go looking for the album.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Postcard Friendship Friday - need help with IDing cancellation
I need help with this postmark. I think it reads Dicksons Cross Roads. 1880! I found an old list of post offices in Tennessee and found Dicksons Crossings, but what I am trying to figure out the two letters at the bottom.. It looks like a T.N. but have never seen that abbreviation. It was mailed to Louisiana...could it be L.A. Nothing like a good mystery. Happy PFF and go to http://thebestheartsarecrunchy.blogspot.com/ for more.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Map of Alaska Postcard and Yukon Territory
Just dropping in for a quick sharing of a map postcard. This one is a Tourist Map of Alaska and the Yukon Territory Its linen and has a nice frame appearance to it....
It is hot again in Central California and will be most of the week, in the mid nineties. We are home from RVing for awhile with projects going on. Right now we are having the carport rebuilt and in a week or so we are having a huge oak tree trimmed. Even though its quite warm there is a Fall feeling in the air with lots of acorns lying on the ground.
I left a big tub of water on the back deck for the cat on our last trip (the one that does not travel with us.) There was still water in it when we came back. I have been hearing at night a frog so I wondered if he was swimming in it. I went out this morning to look but instead saw raccoon prints at the bottom so I guess they got water too. And two days ago a bear came and broke down the gate to get to the garbage cans. I slept through it all. Ah mountain living.
It is hot again in Central California and will be most of the week, in the mid nineties. We are home from RVing for awhile with projects going on. Right now we are having the carport rebuilt and in a week or so we are having a huge oak tree trimmed. Even though its quite warm there is a Fall feeling in the air with lots of acorns lying on the ground.
I left a big tub of water on the back deck for the cat on our last trip (the one that does not travel with us.) There was still water in it when we came back. I have been hearing at night a frog so I wondered if he was swimming in it. I went out this morning to look but instead saw raccoon prints at the bottom so I guess they got water too. And two days ago a bear came and broke down the gate to get to the garbage cans. I slept through it all. Ah mountain living.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Shoshone Indian Woman Postcard Friendship Friday
This postcard is part of a series of postcards made for Grand Teton National Park Wyoming. Published in the 1950's or early 1960's. She is beading a belt for her chief.
I have missed a few PFF because of our RVing trips and house projects. Hopefully can get to a regular schedule here. The previous post has another Native American postcard from this series. Check out
http://thebestheartsarecrunchy.blogspot.com/ for more entries. Happt PFF
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Agnes Deernose, Crow Indian Postcard
This is a wonderful postcard of a famous Native American Agnes Deernose. I discovered a book has been written about her which I have not read. Deernose is a Crow Indian of the Yellowtail Family. The postcard is published by Crandall Studios of Moose Wyoming and made by Security Lith9ograph Co San Francisco 11, Calif.
Pre zip code so I would guess the postcard is from the 1950's or early 1960's.
This postcard shows Agnes in her younger days, as the picture on the book cover is much more recent.
5 different Native American postcards including this one are on ebay. My id is papel1.
Pre zip code so I would guess the postcard is from the 1950's or early 1960's.
This postcard shows Agnes in her younger days, as the picture on the book cover is much more recent.
5 different Native American postcards including this one are on ebay. My id is papel1.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Postcards influence Arts and Crafts, Thank You notes - universal designs
Here is the back of a postcard displaying a beautifully drawn rose. I am always looking for ideas for embroidery, something that might be more original than a commercial designs. I scanned the postcard, then transferred the design to muslin and stitched away. Either I will frame it or sew it into a lavender sachet.
Postcards are often used as graphic designs for Business Cards, Thank you notes etc. I received some wonderful magazines called Shabby Lane Shops (http://www.shabbylaneshops.com/) mailed thru http://www.marionberrycottage.com/. See how Debi has a postcard image on her Thank You notes.
Postcards have many uses.
This is Blog challenge number 5 and it has been fun. Thanks again to
http://www.meetup.com/Virtual-Online-Learning/. Now to read everybodys blog!
Bottle Cap Crocheted Mat and Postcards all bought while RVing.
I spotted this unusual table mat, hot pad or plant holder.....Its a crocheted mat crocheted over individual Bottle Caps. Really different so I grabbed it as my husband liked it too. I bought it at Buhl Winkles an Artisan & Crafters Mall in Buhl Idaho. A fun and friendly place to shop.
This Posting # 4 for VOL challenge.
I also bought these postcards at various shops. I especially like the Native American cards from the 50's or early 60's. I can hardly wait to list them on ebay. (papel1)
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- Happy New Year
- Beautiful Vintage Cabinet Card Young Child Bangor PA
- How I remember the traffic would come to a stop in...
- Old style telephones in this cute postcard of Kewpies
- RPPC Charming photo postcard children family grouping
- Girl with Mom and Dad and her Doll taking a swim RPPC
- Kewpie Postcards Original and Reproduction Postcar...
- Christmas Wreaths and vintage Santa Claus Hankie
- Christmas Carol Postcard, The Friendly Beast, Orie...
- Postcards Make Great Graphics, illustrations and p...
- No title
- Deer Christmas Card - Looks just like what visite...
- Easy Hand Sculpture Fabric Designs for Wall Hangings
- Wishing you a Merry Christmas Santa Postcard
- Lindsay Sews: Twitter contest: Michael Miller 'Twe...
- D & R G Railway in April Chama New Mexico RPPC Pos...
- Collectible Book for Printers - Merry Christmas Theme
- Make your own Christmas Postcards Happy Postcard F...
- Patterns by Bareroot.
- My pictures wont link up here
- Postmarks Postal History Covers
- Sitka Tours Alaska Vintage Postcard
- Durham Home Of L&M and Chesterfield Cigarettes Pol...
- Fall Colors in Bishop California
- Shopping for Postcards
- Reproduction Photo Postcard, Business Women in Wah...
- Indian City Anadarko, Oklahoma PFF
- A Zombie ate my Cupcake
- Windmill Office of Northwestern State Bank, Orange...
- Cunard Queen Mary Ship Letter Card - Postcard Frie...
- Halloween is coming! Dancing Cat with Jack o Lant...
- Bluebirds Camp Fire Girls, Camp Yallani San Bernar...
- Postcard Friendship Friday - need help with IDing ...