I really enjoyed watching the NFL Football Draft last week so chose a stadium postcard for PFF.
This postcard was mailed in 1948. A little about the Orange Bowl, although when I researched it there were so many uses for different sports teams I got a little confused. The Orange Bowl Stadium was home for the Miami Hurricanes College Football team. It was also the first home of the Miami Dolphins. It was used for the annual New Years Day Game from 1938 to 1995. The Orange Bowl was demolished in 2008 to make way for a 37,000 baseball stadium with retractable roof.
In this blog I wish to share postcards from my collection with others, as there are many different catagories of postcards. I also will share what I am currently selling on Ebay. I like selling, buying and trading postcards. The Plus in the title is for the handcraft items I make and collect. Also for all the ephemera I collect.

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Have you ever been pictured on a postcard? I made it on a RPPC
I was looking through my photographs of years ago when I was a teacher/tourist overseas. One always could count on a photographer to be hanging around, and then selling you the photograph of your tour group. I didn't realize it was actually a postcard til I saw the stamp box etc on the back. I am the one with the white scarf in the back. The group is teachers, soldiers from Karamursel Air Base in Turkey on some trip which I have no idea where we went.
Monday, April 26, 2010
A nice Family Photograph
I seem to be of few words the past few weeks and have just been sharing a big box of ephemera I received a month ago. There was no information on the front or back of this wonderful phot. Has great detail. The box it came in had a lot of pictures from the late 1800s so I would guess its from about that time.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
1910 Beckwith's Almanac Yachting, Automobiling, Trolleying, Charts Guides
Founded by George Beckwith, A.D. 1847....Edited by Annie Ewell Russel, of New Haven Conn, Grand-Daughter of George. Published by Melbourne J Parkhurst, New Haven. Old Amanacs ar,e full of great information and advertisements.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Best Hearts are Crunchy......letters to Rebecca
I did not get my entry in this week for Postcard Friendship Friday, but if you go to the above link you will see some wonderful postcards.
Lovely old letters from the late1800's mailed to Rebecca Nicoles in Iowa.
I did not get my entry in this week for Postcard Friendship Friday, but if you go to the above link you will see some wonderful postcards.
Lovely old letters from the late1800's mailed to Rebecca Nicoles in Iowa.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Florida Postcard Folders and others for sale on Ebay by papel1

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Web Cam Does it work for you on your Computer?
I finally could somehow maneuver the computer (netbook) and push the take button on web cam and get a picture of Little Killer my cat who is about 20 years old. Then I did videos which are absolutely terrible. I guess it takes some practice as I got seasick watching it. Overhead light made it look a little yellow, but it worked here for still photo. I tried to e mail ny video to only family members but computer said my attachment was too big. Sigh.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Antique Tractors Postcard and advertisement - Holt Mfg Co. Stockton
The Antique Tractor show in Tulare Calif this weekend had its usual crowd in attendance. The weather was a wonderful 77 and many booths were there. I looked for postcards for my collection but there were very few available in the flea market section. I did pick up this free postcard advertising a show in June.
Here is a postcard I did buy for a quarter at the farm show.
It is in very good condition and is an RPPC but I wonder if it is a reproduction as its copyright date is 1907
Now I need to research the postcard or maybe someone out there knows something about these Old Bath Chairs.
Here is a postcard I did buy for a quarter at the farm show.
It is in very good condition and is an RPPC but I wonder if it is a reproduction as its copyright date is 1907
Now I need to research the postcard or maybe someone out there knows something about these Old Bath Chairs.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Blackpool, England, A day at the Beach, Postcard Friendship Friday
First wishing everyone a a Happy Postcard Friendship Friday. I have been sharing postcards of Coney Island so thought I would go across the ocean for another amusement park. I do see a ferris wheel in the background and a very crowded promenade at A busy day at BLACKPOOL, ENGLAND.
For more PFF go to http://thebestheartsarecrunchy.blogspot.com/
For more PFF go to http://thebestheartsarecrunchy.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Twin Peaks San Francisco CA Early and later photo postcard
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Casper the cat, named after the city of Casper Wyoming.
About 7 years ago while sitting in the living room I heard a meow sound outside. I knew a cat was outside somewhere so went out with a flashlight. It was in the grape vines that grow along the highway so I got some cat food to lure him inside. It worked and he was a happy cat, a little scared. He was so small you could hold him in the palm of your hand. We were not quite sure what we would do with him as we were leaving for a trip in 3 weeks. Figured he would go with us and our pop up tent trailer so every night we took him for a ride in the pick up truck kso he would get use to the drive.
When we left he wasn't the bravest of travelers and usually stayed inside the tent trailer. We had named him Casper because we thought we might just end up there. We did and it was his favorite place. The thunder and lightning in the KOA campground at Casper Wyo. did not phase him a bit. And the flapping tent ends did not bother him either.
He has been quite the traveling cat, having stayed 63 nights in RV parks, gone to at least 14 states and travelled over 14000 miles. He loves to walk at night on his leash around the RVs. And he even likes our new Funfinder Travel Trailer. He can sit at the window and watch the world go by.
When we left he wasn't the bravest of travelers and usually stayed inside the tent trailer. We had named him Casper because we thought we might just end up there. We did and it was his favorite place. The thunder and lightning in the KOA campground at Casper Wyo. did not phase him a bit. And the flapping tent ends did not bother him either.
He has been quite the traveling cat, having stayed 63 nights in RV parks, gone to at least 14 states and travelled over 14000 miles. He loves to walk at night on his leash around the RVs. And he even likes our new Funfinder Travel Trailer. He can sit at the window and watch the world go by.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Hollywood CA Postcard Folder, the way it use to be! Old Cars etc
I love the view of Hollywood and Vine above. The old cars with the fashionable people on the sidewalk.
This is the last picture of a series of 12 photos in this postcard folder. If you would like to add it to your collection I have it listed on ebay.
This is the last picture of a series of 12 photos in this postcard folder. If you would like to add it to your collection I have it listed on ebay.
Cabinet Card Girl with frizzy hair Postcard Friendship Friday

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Gruss Aus Zurich The Big Boot Shoe Postcard Switzerland
Just a quick entry for this late Thurs night. I took a picture of this postcard using a digital camera, but I think a scanner works better. I love this postcard although I really don't know what its about.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Amusement Park Links, Coney Island New York
Here area few suggested sites about Coney Island and other amusement parks.
For pictures of postcards from Coney Island I highly recommend this site.
For pictures of postcards from Coney Island I highly recommend this site.
Coney Island New York Amusement Parks Books
I think the entry most popular on this blog were the postcards of Coney Island New York. I am now shopping around for more as I sold most of the ones I have. I have added links here to several books about Coney Island. If you type in amusement parks in google you will find an abundance of information. It is a fascinating topic.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Vintage Postcard Folders Daytona Beach, FL Juarez Mexico and Redwood Highway California
I am so excited. I just got a box full of at least 150 vintage postcard folders!! There a few from before 1940, with the majority being the late 40's and 1950's. And to hit the jackpot this same box held many old small thin almanacs and cabinet cards and albumen phtographs. Now I sort out what I want to save, what I want to give to relatives and what I will be selling on eBay. Scroll down to see some of the cabinet cards. The almanacs are so fragile that I was inhaling dust and sneezing. So I am airing them out in the open for awhile. My auctions at http://shop.ebay.com/papel1/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Cabinet Card, Young Child, But what is she drinking out of...Quakertown PA
This photo is a mystery to me. She is drinking something through that tube but what is at the end, a cup, bottle etc? Her pose looks a little unnatural, as her hand on the chair arm does not look natural. But these old poses never looked real.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Anne of Green Gables Postcard Folder from Cavendish, Prince Edward Island Canada
This postcard folder has many photographs of Green Gables where L.M. Montgomery wrote Anne of Green
Gables . The rooms in the photographs are very charming. There are pictures of Mathews bedroom, Marillas bedroom, Annes wardrobe at Green Gables on Prince Edward Island. Annes dresses are still hanging up in different rooms.. There are pictures of the Haunted Woods, Lovers Lane. romantic old farm house. The front view of the home. L.M. Montgomery grew up here with her grandparents.
A popular book that is read over and over again by young and old.

Friday, April 2, 2010
Antique Photo Victorian Couple, man woman Troy N.Y. Cabinet Card
I have found the photographs of the 1800s to be very interesting. Often you can date these cards by furniture and other props found in the photograph. Also the style of clothing, hairdos, whether ears are exposed. (Early 1860's ears were covered on the women) The earliest Cabinet cards were full portraits, later in the 1870's the hair was less severe, and photos showed only 3/4 of the person, not their feet. In the 1880s and 1890s the womens clothes became my fitted, severe and suitlike. In 1998 when postcards became popular there were less cabinet cards printed. Of course I have found other cabinet cards that do not fit any area.
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- Orange Bowl Stadium Miami Home of the Hurricanes ...
- Have you ever been pictured on a postcard? I made...
- A nice Family Photograph
- 1910 Beckwith's Almanac Yachting, Automobiling, Tr...
- The Best Hearts are Crunchy......letters to Rebecca
- Florida Postcard Folders and others for sale on Eb...
- Cabinet Card Family Portrait - Wordless Wednesday
- Web Cam Does it work for you on your Computer?
- Antique Tractors Postcard and advertisement - Holt...
- Blackpool, England, A day at the Beach, Postcard F...
- Twin Peaks San Francisco CA Early and later photo...
- Casper the cat, named after the city of Casper Wyo...
- Hollywood CA Postcard Folder, the way it use to be...
- Cabinet Card Girl with frizzy hair Postcard Friend...
- Gruss Aus Zurich The Big Boot Shoe Postcard Switze...
- Amusement Park Links, Coney Island New York
- Coney Island New York Amusement Parks Books
- Vintage Postcard Folders Daytona Beach, FL Juarez...
- Cabinet Card, Young Child, But what is she drinkin...
- Anne of Green Gables Postcard Folder from Cavendi...
- Antique Photo Victorian Couple, man woman Troy N.Y...