I seem to be really adding pictures today to this blog. This flying bug is 2 to 3 inches long, sorry my picture isn't bigger. There were 100's of them on the highway near Mountain City Nevada. We put Casper the cat on a leash for a break from driving and he wouldn't get near them!
You can enlarge picture with a click and see it closer up!

Hi Judy, I enjoyed reading in your blog. Sounds like you had a super trip. love all the sewing related items.
Hi Judy, sounds like you had a fun roadtrip, loved campin in our old pop up. The bug ewww LOL looks like Locus or cricket.
Hi Ya Judy, I love reading about your adventures in life and also seeing all of your wonderful old cards that you share with us all. Speaking of love .. I love this blog so much I have given you and award. Please drop by my blog and pick it up :)
Hi Judy - will come back later - but in the meantime I have left something for you on my blog
Judi..I have a pic of a bug that I took also..took it with my phone so not sure how clear it will be. I will have to email it to myself first. It was a huge Mud Dobber (that is what Billy called it) I have been having problems with a lot of Bees that are all over the seedum plants that are right next to the car where you open the door to get in. Bianca had a very swollen jaw for 3 days and didn't eat or drink much and was spitting up. We took her to the Vet so we could have it checked and she is better now..but that is another story of bugs ....called Bees...the kind that STING. Looks like I may have to move the plants somewhere else.
Your bug looks like a cricket and yes, these kinds can nip you! So enjoyed reading your posts. blessings, Kathleen
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