Here is a great inspiring article about selling antiques. On the Ruby Lane Blog.
In this blog I wish to share postcards from my collection with others, as there are many different catagories of postcards. I also will share what I am currently selling on Ebay. I like selling, buying and trading postcards. The Plus in the title is for the handcraft items I make and collect. Also for all the ephemera I collect.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Happy New Year Out with the Old...in with the new
Old age and an old car seem to be the loser here. Gone with the old year....but bursting with energy are these children celebrating the new year playing their instruments and riding in a new car.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Los Angeles California in the early 1950's, Vintage Postcard
I grew up in Los Angeles. Every Christmas we would go downtown and look at the store windows. They had fantastic Christmas decorations, usually mechanical and animated and wonderful for a child and adult too. On the right of this street is Bullocks a wonderful department store.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Resting up from the busy weekend
I am sitting in my recliner resting up before heating some more Turkey for another dinner. That is fine by me, but had a lot of other things to do so an easy meal sounds good to me. Our old 20 year old Mitsubishi truck died with 250, 000 miles so yesterday we bought a used Toyota truck (2000) for the chores around the place. I guess that just night be our Christmas present.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Interesting group Photograph RPPC What is that lady holding in her hand?
Not sure when this interesting postcard was published. Probably the early 1900s. I sure wonder where and why these 6 young people are posing for the camera. Hats, suspenders, bow ties, regular tie, flower corsages, One couple is holding hands. And what is that lady holding in her right hand. It looks like a metal fan, or maybe a utensil. Well if you bid on this postcard you can wonder what it is all about.
On eBay
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Kewpie Postcard 1917 She loves her cat
Rose O'Neill created Kewpie around 1912. She wanted a doll that everyone would like so she made a chubby doll. Named Kewpie because named after Cupid.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Around the House
Leaves ready for the burn pile....and new ones to rake up. Above Orangie adopted us.
Remember Northwest Orient Airlines?
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Near Everett Washington Mill, Boom logging RPPC Postcard
Boom logging is the sorting of floating logs into rafts or booms for transporting to nearby mills.
RPPC - One over Everett Washington Mills with a great photograph of floating booms.
" On the back there is some very interesting notes about this operation. Read below.
Booming Ground Leased from the Gov - where it is calm and my blows(?) won't take them away.
8 Sections make a raft.
From Washington Canadian (10 or 15 rafts)
Oregon Cedar (c logs very large)"
Boom where put in a circle.......I think the person writing these notes was listening to presentation about booming and decided to write down quick facts. Just a guess on my part.
On eBay
Friday, October 26, 2012
MT. Rainier Mirrored in Lake Spanaway Looks good upside down Vintage postcard
I love postcards that show reflected views of mountain in a lake below.
Mt. Rainier three miles in height, is an isolated extinct glacial volcano. Only mountain in the US that shows all its form, sea level to the clouds. 364 varieties of flowers peak their heads out in the snow in June. This postcard was mailed in 1937 but I imagine the view is much the same. Below the mountain is Lake Spanaway. You can turn the postcard upside down and it still is a pretty view.
Upside down View
Friday, October 19, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Julia Parker Indian Basket Weaver Yosemite National Park
During the summer months, Mrs. Julia Parker can be seen at the Yosemite Visitor center weaving baskets such as the one she is hold in this picture. She uses the same kinds of roots and grasses that the Yosemite Indians used hundreds of years ago. She is standing on an old grinding rock which was used to pound acorns into meal.
Available on eBay bid now at this link Julia is now a Senior Citizen but is still active in Mariposa County.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Postal History Cover Yosemite Falls Hotel 1878 California
In 1878 Yosemite was spelled as Yo semite, as shown in this cover. Probably from the Indian spelling. The Hotel belonged to the Hutchings group of Hotels in Yosemite but this hotel was passed on to J.K Barnard in 1877. He maintained the hotel for 17 years. I think it was torn down between 1938 and 1940.
Connected with the hotel was J.C. Smiths celebrated Hot and Cold Bathing Establishment, Post Office, Telegraph Office and Wells Fargo's Express.
This is the only hotel in this Valley with cottages separate from the main building and located immediately on the margin of the beautiful waters of the Merced River. Our dining room also on the river looks out under shade trees and green lawns, with a grand view of the Yo Semite Falls 2,634 feet high. (written on back of cover)
The envelope (cover) is addressed to Edward Tompkins of Oakland California a prominent man who was active and generous person, a lawyer, politician, and greatly involved with the University of California.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Kitten postcards "Wearing a Hat" and "Smelling the Roses"
The kittens are for real, Photographed as in RPPC but drawings of a hat, and a barrel were added.
These two kittens were photographed and them added to some roses. They look like the photo was cut and the cat was placed in and on top of the basket. Then made into a postcard.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
My first twisted flowers
This is done with a long strip of fabric (here I used hem binding) twisted it and sewed to a background fabric. It really is a flower. Would look good on a floppy hat. I do need to practice and get better looking flowers, so I will twist away. I am learning this technique and other embellishments on
www. craftsy.com. They have some great classes.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Husking Bee "Cracker Jack" Bears 1907 Antique Postcard
Next to the husking bee they went
On happiness and good times bent
And there the corn in many a sack
Was ready to make into "Cracker Jack"
On happiness and good times bent
And there the corn in many a sack

Thursday, September 20, 2012
2 Cats decided to adopt us.......
I heard a meow on the deck and found a rather large calico kitten. She was a little skittish but looking for a home. Soon a black kitten showed up. Before I knew it they had a big dinner, lots of water and places to hide under the deck. I thought well I need mousers but they are on their own as far as survival. We have wild life and a busy highway. If they are still here in 3 months I will get them fixed.
They are so cute and a lot of fun but I wonder if they were dropped off on the highway. We live near the SPCA which is often closed.
Spotty and Blacky
Such a cute Calico kitten
He is so Frisky
Our 25 year old cat Little Killer is glad of the company
Joey is not so happy with the new editions to our family. Lets hope the bears, raccoons, Bobcats, or Mountain Lion do not get them. Or that old Highway!!
My previous post has Cat postcards.....must have known that they were going to show up.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Finds from my trip - Postcards and Quilting panels
Powell Street Cable Car and Turntable
Greeting Style Postcard Yosemite Park
Cliff House near San Francisco
Greeting Style Postcard Yosemite Park
2 Quilt Panels I bought in Baker City Oregon
Can't wait to see what I do with these panels.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Rving in the West
In 7 days we put on 1800 miles and had a great 6 nights at RV parks. It started out very hot. We did cool off as we drove over Tioga Pass in Yosemite arriving in Hawthorne Nevada to 95 degree temps. And it did not cool off until after midnight. From there the scenic drive took us through Austin on Highway 50 claimed to be the loneliest highway in the country. We stopped to shop in Battle Mountain and stayed at the Double Dice RV park in Elko . It was full and also hot. The next day took us to Hagerman Idaho near the Snake River. A very scenic area. It was smokey near Boise but our favorite stop was at Baker City in Eastern Oregon where we stayed 2 nights with a side trip to La Grande. Between these two historic towns were at least 4 antique stores and about 5 Quilt stores. Yes I bought some fabric mostly panels which I will share later. And I bought 22 postcards several unique ones. Joey loved all the dogs in the parks. We drove to the Reno area for the last night then home yesterday.
I managed to mail 2 postcards while traveling sold on eBay and am now getting 2 others ready to mail while getting bids while I was leisurely playing tourist. Now I am home recovering and planning for the next trip. (And scanning my new purchases for more listings.) No photos yet.
I managed to mail 2 postcards while traveling sold on eBay and am now getting 2 others ready to mail while getting bids while I was leisurely playing tourist. Now I am home recovering and planning for the next trip. (And scanning my new purchases for more listings.) No photos yet.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Big Hand Cafe - St. George Utah 1950s Postcard
The two Greyhound buses parked here are wonderful in this vintage 1950's postcard. The Big Hand Cafe was a very popular eating place for the tourist in downtown St. George Utah. 2 days left to buy this post card on eBay. Click here
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Auction Abbreviations Found on listings and price tags
I found this list of abbreviations in this issue of Antique Back Roads Vol 3
NRFB - Never removed from box
NIB - New in Box
MIB - Mint in Box
M - Mint
NM - Near Mint
EXC - Excellent
G - Good
P - Poor
SST - Single sided Tin
DST - Double sided Tin
DSP - Double Sided Porcelain
SSP - Single sided Porcelain
CDB - cardboard
Shared Postcard - Gas Station in Flagstaff Arizona
NRFB - Never removed from box
NIB - New in Box
MIB - Mint in Box
M - Mint
NM - Near Mint
EXC - Excellent
G - Good
P - Poor
SST - Single sided Tin
DST - Double sided Tin
DSP - Double Sided Porcelain
SSP - Single sided Porcelain
CDB - cardboard
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Mystery Drug Store - Vintage Postcard
I could not find where this drug store was located but I like the RPPC The detail is great.
Up for auction on eBay
Friday, August 3, 2012
Recipe and Instruction Book Hamilton Beach Mixette
Just love the apron this lovely lady is wearing as she cooks with her hand mixer "the Mixette"
Lots of good recipes...some we would still cook today. Below the picture of the booklet is one recipe.
Lots of good recipes...some we would still cook today. Below the picture of the booklet is one recipe.
Fluffy 7 minute Frosting
2 egg whites
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1/4 cup cold water
1 T light corn syrup
1 tsp vanilla
Place all ingredients except vanilla in top of a double boiler over boiling water. Beat at speed 2 until ingredients are well mixed, then at speed 3 for seven minutes or until mixture will form a peak when beater is lifted. Remove from water and add vanilla. Spread on cake.
Well if I got out of my chair and spent more time in the kitchen this frosting would be better then what I spread out of a Can!
Shared Postcard
Back of a postcard folder. At least I don't have to go to the outhouse anymore. Ah the comforts of a travel trailer.
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- How to Not Wind Up on Page 44 of a Google Search: ...
- Near Everett Washington Mill, Boom logging RPPC Po...
- MT. Rainier Mirrored in Lake Spanaway Looks good u...
- Halloween Vintage Postcard
- Julia Parker Indian Basket Weaver Yosemite Nationa...
- Coffee Buying Tips: Newsletter Issue #6
- Postal History Cover Yosemite Falls Hotel 1878 Cal...
- Kitten postcards "Wearing a Hat" and "Smelling the...