Not a whole lot to report. I have been rather neglectful in writing every few days. Here it is Sat morning and I am ready to curl up an go back to sleep. I have a cat that likes to sleep on the top of a shelf he jumped down and woke me up at 5:45 AM. I put her out and fed the other cats but just gave the dog a chew stick. She whimpered so at 7 I fed her and then at 7:30 I walked her. Beautiful weather in the 70's. I am loving sewing on linen and draw string bags are still a favorite thing to sew. I even embroider on them. Here is a side shot of the bag. Have a great weekend.
In this blog I wish to share postcards from my collection with others, as there are many different catagories of postcards. I also will share what I am currently selling on Ebay. I like selling, buying and trading postcards. The Plus in the title is for the handcraft items I make and collect. Also for all the ephemera I collect.

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