Miner's lettuce, a native winter annual broadleaf plant, is part of a complex of species and subspecies with slightly varying characteristics. It is found throughout California (except for the lower desert areas) to about 6600 feet (2000 m). Miner’s lettuce inhabits natural plant communities, agricultural land, and urban areas, with a preference for cool, damp conditions. It dries up with the onset of hot spring weather. Although the leaves are sometimes cultivated or collected for salad greens, occasionally it accumulates soluble oxalates, which can be toxic when ingested.
In this blog I wish to share postcards from my collection with others, as there are many different catagories of postcards. I also will share what I am currently selling on Ebay. I like selling, buying and trading postcards. The Plus in the title is for the handcraft items I make and collect. Also for all the ephemera I collect.