In this blog I wish to share postcards from my collection with others, as there are many different catagories of postcards. I also will share what I am currently selling on Ebay. I like selling, buying and trading postcards. The Plus in the title is for the handcraft items I make and collect. Also for all the ephemera I collect.

Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
The Winner Biloxi Regatta 1909
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Making Angels
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Rare Postal History Covers Mariposa County U.S.P.O.D.
These packages were sent to different post offices in Mariposa County, but used around the USA. This is a very scarce postmark of Grant, a town in Mariposa County which I cannot find out much information. There were many towns with post offices during the Gold Rush. Much of the land was part of the John C Fremont Land Grant. On my eBay 5 USPOD Registered Packages on auction. site you will find this envelope and 4 others sale. Towns besides Grant I am selling is Jerseydale, Indian Gulch, Darrah, and Mt. Bullion. Some of these towns still exist but no longer have post offices.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Casper the Cat - Snack Time
I started putting little snacks outside for Casper on an old board used as a storage bench in the garden. I not quite sure how it started but he expects food everday on this board and sits waiting, even though he eats well inside. I try not to leave extra as I have caught raccoons and possoms eating the left overs at night. Even the scrub jay grabs a bite now and then. Why is that everyone loves sharing pictures of their pets? Especially on facebook! Ah but we love our pets.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Vintage RV Travel Trailer.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Tuck's Die Cut Little Red Riding Hood 6 small panels telling story
This 6 panel Tuck's Panel (broken into 2 photos) of Little Red Riding Hood would look so cute in a childs room. Or place it on your mantel with a little holly and some miniature ornaments.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
The Cinderella Calendar for 1905 Slipper full of flowers
This beautiful calendar is available on eBay. A fragile calendar but with wonderful colors and a charming
Cinderella slipper filled with flowers.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Postcards are good for advertising. I got 4 in the mail today.
Postcards are useful for advertising. Lower postage than a letter. As I was sorting through my mail there were the usual items, Catalogs (they want my business on cyber Monday) bills and also 4 postcards. Not the tourist ones from friends, but several advertising PC and 2 appointment reminders, two for me the other for my cat. And a wonderful auction coming up.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Candle Mat - Christmas gift that I made
I did finish the candle mat pictured on the right (pumpkin, but gave it away before I took another picture) This heart with flowers mat turned out pretty good but its not perfect. It is a Bareroots Pattern (store in Bishop California.) I love their patterns.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Classic Taxi Cabs parked in front of Hotel Bismarck Chicago Vintage Postcard
Love these old taxis. Available on ebay
Monday, November 7, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Is this the Worlds Largest Postcard?
While traveling I can't help but look for postcards. Of course my first choice would be vintage postcards but I do buy new ones to send while traveling or take home to look at later. I definitely grab the unusual ones and the size and topic of this postcard caught my eye. I found the map of the Indian Tribes interesting since I drive across many reservations. And the size. It is a BIG Postcard 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches. No specialized publisher.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Vintage Sewing Buttons Lady Washington Pearls and my Created Card
When shopping at antique or collectibles stores I always look for buttons. I especially like them if they are are on the original cards.
So that gave me an idea of printing cards on my computer and attaching vintage buttons.
I find it interesting how so many people who mail postcards to their family or friends, mark the office or room that they are in. On this postcard the sender marks his office and wants to the receiver to think of him as he looks at the image of the building. This is on Broadway in New York and copyrighted 1897. Trinity Church us across the street. You find many X Marks the spot on Hotel and motel postcards.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Me and the Ocean Balboa California Vintage Postcard - PFF
What is this boy thinking? Does he want to get in the water? Are there sharks out there? It could be cold?
I love this posed, rather an air brushed look. Mailed in 1947.
I love this posed, rather an air brushed look. Mailed in 1947.
It's Postcard Friendship Friday. Visit Beth who sponsors it at
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Jet Boats up the Rogue River, Gold Beach to Agness Oregon Vintage Postcard
I spent many summers on the Rogue River so my Dad could fish for Steelhead. We stayed 7 miles up from Gold Beach at Lucky Lodge. In the 1950's the road was dirt and narrow. We would meet Logging Trucks and I would hold my breath as we passed them. We took the jet books like the ones pictured except ours was run by the Mail Service (delivering mail) There was no road to Agness from the mouth of the river so residents and tourists took these fast boats up to Agness. Now there is a paved road to Agness. Fond memories. I use to wave to the passengers while standing by the river.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Arch New Mexico Cover - Postcard Friendship Friday
I like this envelope because the sender lives in Arch New Mexico (post office closed in 1967) and he used an envelope with a picture of an arch. Somewhere in Europe I would guess.
Happy PFF
And thanks to PFF sponsor
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Baseball Season - Coke Ad and Cincinnati Redlegs 1957 Yearbook
Baseball has changed over the years. I remember we would take portable radios and listen to the world series while at school.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Nasson College Springvale Maine Brown Hall 1969 Postcard - Are there hidden treasures in attics?
Message written on back......
We explored the attics and cellars of many buildings to find canning jars and I couldn't begin to describe all the junk we found. I'll show you some jars you'd love when you get here. When you coming? Enjoyed your vacation letter - write again soon. We miss you. Love Roy
Did they find these canning jars at this college?
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Rubber Stamped Postcards from my Pen Pal Collection -1994
I know I have not been blogging too much. I guess it is Summertime Activities. But then its Fall.
I have received many rubber stamped postcards from Pen Pals for many years. Here are 4 from 1994. I would share the clever stamped sides but the senders might not want their name and addresses printed.
I still have hundreds of rubber stamps and need to get back to that hobby.
Hope you enjoyed seeing what my friends have stamped. Its fun to make postcards.
I have received many rubber stamped postcards from Pen Pals for many years. Here are 4 from 1994. I would share the clever stamped sides but the senders might not want their name and addresses printed.
I still have hundreds of rubber stamps and need to get back to that hobby.
Hope you enjoyed seeing what my friends have stamped. Its fun to make postcards.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Thumbnail Photos on Postcard Same Lady 5 poses
This lady s having a lot of fun posing for pictures....she is receiving flowers, painting a picture, in pain, safe to smile a little, and ready to go shopping. A verse is written above the photos. I think she might be from Enterprise Kansas.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Muchas Felicidades postcard size photos Postcard Friendship Friday PFF
Hopefully I will get back to posting more on my blog. I have been RVing and enjoying it. It is always fun to find antique stores while traveling. I found these 2 photo cards (postcard size but blank on the back). I could google the Spanish words but haven't. Maybe someone on PFF knows the translations for these greetings. I like the way they arrange the greeting, trees and flowers. Unusual.
Go to Beths blog who shares other PFF postcards.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Thumbnail Pictures on a Vintage Postcard
Views in Rock City Gardens Atop Lookout Mountain
The views shown attempt to transmit some of the beauties and overwhelming grandeur of colorful Rock City Gardens, located six miles fronm
Chattanooga Tennessee
1. Fat Man's Squeeze
2. Swing -A-Long Bridge
3. Lover's Leap
4. See Seven States
5. 1000 Ton Balanced Rock
6. Moonshine Still
Have you visited this park? Do you have many postcards with Thumbnail Pictures?
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Finally a cool day in California - sorting out bins
Time to sort out the bins which are everywhere. I find it can be a fun job because you find things you forgot about. If its fun why don't I do it more often? But I need to empty some out. My closet is a disaster area. I only have 4 listings on ebay but I do have a bid this morning with 6 watchers so I bet it goes higher. It is cloudy out and only 73 degrees at 10:30 and it feels wonderful. I am having fun wearing some new clothes. Pants that can be long, capri length, or zip off the legs and you have shorts. Bought these at Bass Pro an outdoor store in Manteca California. Now to my table outside with my cup of coffee.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
He was seen in a Low Dive Comic Postcard
Just looking through my collection of postcards so I can add something on my blog.
We have been RVing a lot in Aug and Sept so have been away from the computer.
Well that is not quite true. There is wifi in RV parks and I do have an iPhone but it was
nice to enjoy the scenery of Nevada for a few days and take a break from being online.
It was interesting to see all the traveling people who were at the Burning Man Gathering in
Black Rock desert north of Reno. If you don't know anything about them just google them.
We have been RVing a lot in Aug and Sept so have been away from the computer.
Well that is not quite true. There is wifi in RV parks and I do have an iPhone but it was
nice to enjoy the scenery of Nevada for a few days and take a break from being online.
It was interesting to see all the traveling people who were at the Burning Man Gathering in
Black Rock desert north of Reno. If you don't know anything about them just google them.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Back to School Old School in Bannock Montana
All the young people are heading back to school. When I taught school I had desks like these in the 1960s. Now its retirement and I will watch the school buses drive by while sitting in my recliner. Or better yet be in a campground with my RV.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Embroidery Transfer Patterns Aunt Martha and Vogart on blog Ad for eBay
MY EBAY LISTING Opened Envelopes but transfers not cut or used.
#3002 Gay Tulip Motifs
Torn envelope but pattern sheet complete!
Probably from late 1950s
#3236 Clarissa Kitten Cute kittens for each day of the week. MONDAY - SUNDAY
Also very vintage, and so cute.
I have thrown in a Vogart Repeat Transfer for embroidery or ball point Painting.
The designs are actually for Candlewicking but can be used for regular embroidery.
Shipping and Handling is $2.00 USA $2.50 Canada, $3.00 International. I combine postage. Satisfaction Guaranteed
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- Happy New Year to all ! I am looking forward to m...
- The Winner Biloxi Regatta 1909
- Making Angels
- Rare Postal History Covers Mariposa County U.S.P.O.D.
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- Casper the Cat - Snack Time
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- Vintage RV Travel Trailer.
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- Free Christmas Tags from Gooseberry Patch
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- Tuck's Die Cut Little Red Riding Hood 6 small pane...
- Cyber Monday Sale Haute Handbags Back Issue 2006
- The Cinderella Calendar for 1905 Slipper full of f...
- Postcards are good for advertising. I got 4 in th...
- Candle Mat - Christmas gift that I made
- Classic Taxi Cabs parked in front of Hotel Bismarc...
- National Postal Museum
- Is this the Worlds Largest Postcard?
- Desert Animals - Vintage Linen Postcards
- Vintage Sewing Buttons Lady Washington Pearls and ...
- Me and the Ocean Balboa California Vintage Postcar...
- Jet Boats up the Rogue River, Gold Beach to Agness...
- Arch New Mexico Cover - Postcard Friendship Friday
- Baseball Season - Coke Ad and Cincinnati Redlegs 1...
- Nasson College Springvale Maine Brown Hall 1969 Po...
- Rubber Stamped Postcards from my Pen Pal Collectio...