First wishing everyone a a Happy Postcard Friendship Friday. I have been sharing postcards of Coney Island so thought I would go across the ocean for another amusement park. I do see a ferris wheel in the background and a very crowded promenade at A busy day at BLACKPOOL, ENGLAND.
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In this blog I wish to share postcards from my collection with others, as there are many different catagories of postcards. I also will share what I am currently selling on Ebay. I like selling, buying and trading postcards. The Plus in the title is for the handcraft items I make and collect. Also for all the ephemera I collect.

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THAT is totally cool! I LOVE it! Happy PFF!
Blackpool is still very popular. I once visited the resort and must admit: the rollercoaster is awesome. Happy PFF.
It seems to be beach and pavilion day here at PFF! There are a lot of people at the beach in this photo.
There must be something about today that makes people think of English beaches!
My parents lived not far away from Blackpool. That Ferris wheel was taken down but there is another one on the pier now.
That is a crowded beach..I have never been to England and doesn't look like I will ever get to go (to many pets to go very far LOL)
Thanks for sharing Judy...Have a great week end
Blackpool is still popular but this card is from its heyday, what a crowd. My post today by coincidence has a vague connection with Blackpool. This spring weather must be making us all think of the seaside.
WONDERFUL POSTCARD... love the old amusement parks!!! what years was this park around? Happy PFF!
The crowds still come to Blackpool but I guess the ferris wheel is gone, but someone said there was a great roller coaster.
Wonderful - look at that crowd! It must have been a warm beautiful day. Happy PFF!
Crowded indeed, wonderful post!
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