Happy PFF . Dash over to Maries for more http://www.cpaphilblog.com/?
In this blog I wish to share postcards from my collection with others, as there are many different catagories of postcards. I also will share what I am currently selling on Ebay. I like selling, buying and trading postcards. The Plus in the title is for the handcraft items I make and collect. Also for all the ephemera I collect.
I love that card--nice verse and design.
Great fun! :) I could do with some warmth if you have some to spare.
Howdy Judy
Happy PFF to you.
That is a fabulous summer time postcard.
We are having a bit of a hot summer here in Texas so I will join you for a dip in the cool waters today.
Thank you for sharing.
I saw your twitter line and joined in on the fun.
Have a fantastic rest of the weekend.
Happy Trails
I have been using twitter for a few weeks and still learning.
Oh, that's so funny! Thanks for the laugh!
LOL... Such a fun card.
Go Mary Go! It's a scorcher here today! I'm be jumping into a pool head first today too:)
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