A farmhouse built in 1907 was donated to the Seward County Historical Society It has been fully restored and replicates Dorothy's House as shown in the Movie Wizard of Oz. I was there this summer in Liberal Kansas, and enjoyed walking around the grounds. I did not have time to take the tour of inside but the outside grounds were fun to explore (yes there is a yellow brick road). I could not find the postcard I bought, or maybe I mailed it, but being that it is the 70th birthday of the Wizard of Oz I found this ad in a tourist magazine I picked up free.
In this blog I wish to share postcards from my collection with others, as there are many different catagories of postcards. I also will share what I am currently selling on Ebay. I like selling, buying and trading postcards. The Plus in the title is for the handcraft items I make and collect. Also for all the ephemera I collect.

Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Deschutes River Oregon Memories of a Camping Trip
This postcard brought back memories. My Dad would fish the Deschutes River for trout. We did not go too often as like the postcard says this river is unnavigable because of its Falls and Rapids. We always camped and the campgrounds were not that accessible. We arrived one night after dark, found a campground with an empty spot. As we backed the car into the spot, the bumper got caught on a stump and we could not move. We set up camp not too happily and hoped we could correct the situation in the morning. I do remember the river was very noisy. I think we jacked up the car the next day to get out but I am not sure.
In the distance is Bachelor Butte a symmetrical cone, which looms in the Cascades at 9000 feet.
Artist Catharina Klein Her artwork on postcards link
Interesting link about postcard artist Catharina Klein
Interesting link about postcard artist Catharina Klein
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Lazy Lazy days, reading thrillers on my kindle reading old issues of magazines
I have not been writing much on my blog so better get with it. Today in Central California it is suppose to be about 92 which is not bad for the summer. I love walking out in the morning on the deck, barefooted and in shorts with a cup of coffee. And to be even lazier I can walk outside with my iPhone and check my emails and auctions online. We have been busy with house projects. Just finished painting the dining room. Earlier we took out the sliding glass door and put in a regular door with a partial wall. Now I have a place to hang up a nice photograph. I will have to share it later here. And we got rid of the blinds which I hated and put up curtains.
The next project is staining the deck and railings. It is rather a messy and smelly job. And lots of watering of the plants outside. Casper the cat was scared by something outside the other day. He would not go outside. He finally is out there now but is looking up the hillside and not going there. It gets active about here.....baby bobcats on the deck, the mother (well maybe the mother) a month earlier also on the deck. That was scary. The mountain lion seems to have stayed away.
Here is a picture of our latest RV trip. A very nice RV park outside of Liberal Kansas.
The Rio Grande Gorge near Taos New Mexico
The next project is staining the deck and railings. It is rather a messy and smelly job. And lots of watering of the plants outside. Casper the cat was scared by something outside the other day. He would not go outside. He finally is out there now but is looking up the hillside and not going there. It gets active about here.....baby bobcats on the deck, the mother (well maybe the mother) a month earlier also on the deck. That was scary. The mountain lion seems to have stayed away.
Here is a picture of our latest RV trip. A very nice RV park outside of Liberal Kansas.
The Rio Grande Gorge near Taos New Mexico
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Gunne Sax Dresses do you remember when they were fashionable?
I cannot quite remember when these dresses were popular but the were the rage in the 70's or 80's. The patterns are vintage and you can find quite a few for sale online.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
House of Representatives Washington DC Vintage postcard of chambers
I wonder who these politicians are? I did count 48 stars on the flag on this vintage postcard
No information is given on the back.
No information is given on the back.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Vintage Cars Canal Street New Smyrna Beach Florida RPPC
This postcard was mailed in the 1940's. I cannot read the last number of the year. It is a real photograph postcard of Canal Street in New Smyrna Beach Florida. It is in good condition. Wonderful old photo. A piece of recorded history
"SHELLREP" artillery report from 1944, surprise attention getting photo
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- Happy 70th Birthday Wizard of Oz Dorothy's House L...
- Deschutes River Oregon Memories of a Camping Trip
- Artist Catharina Klein Her artwork on postcards link
- Vintage Needle Case with 50 gold eye needles
- Lazy Lazy days, reading thrillers on my kindle rea...
- Rovenna Dry Cleaners Ohio Interesting Blotter
- Gunne Sax Dresses do you remember when they were f...
- Antique Advertising Game Board for Fairchilds Flou...
- House of Representatives Washington DC Vintage pos...
- Vintage Cars Canal Street New Smyrna Beach Florida...
- "SHELLREP" artillery report from 1944, surprise at...